Home  »  FAQ »  Accommodation

1. I’m studying in local institution and don't get hostel/accommodation due to limited quota by the university, can I rent a house/room?

Please submit your request to Executive (Student Services) with supporting documents and evidences from university.


2. I was offered with accommodation / hostel by university, can I stay outside campus?

Students studying in local institution must stay in the campus provided by the university/colleges.

Students studying abroad can choose either in campus or off campus subject to the availability of accommodation.


3. Can I stay in the hostel during term break?

Yes, except during your internship.


4. Can I request to stay at air-condition room in UTP campus?

Students are required to stay at the designated accommodation in UTP campus.

By Noh Afiq M Hilmi (HRM/PETH), 05 July 2023 05:43:08 PM.
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