Student Development Program

1. I'm facing difficulties with my study, what should I do? / I have personal problem, what should I do?

Please reach out to the counselors via Naluri apps and/or to respective Executive (Student Services).


2. Is travelling cost covered by PETRONAS to attend any program conducted by PETRONAS?

Students will be notified on the reimbursable claims applicable to the program conducted by PETRONAS. 

Type of Expenses:

Ground Transportation to attend program in Malaysia

- RM50 for venue within 100km radius from hometown/college

- RM 100 for venue above 101km radius from hometown/college


Ground transportation to attend program in overseas

As per above amount based  on the respective country’s currency


Pay and claim basis whichever is lower


Medical check-up allowance to attend Outward Bound School (OBS) program

- RM 70 per student


Note: For overseas students, you are entitled for pay and claim

By Noh Afiq M Hilmi (HRM/PETH), 05 July 2023 05:42:23 PM.
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